February Newsletter

February 5, 2017SwirlEarly Bird Registration 

Party in Hyatt bar  $575--full conference! This price is good through February 15  Register here. Improve your craft. Find your tribe. Make lifelong connections.

Spend your conference week beachside at the charming Santa Barbara Hyatt. Take advantage of early bird pricing and register for the conference by February 15.

We're pleased to announce that our list of 2017 agents is complete, and you may register for an appointment with an agent and advanced submission of a 5-page manuscript to be read before your appointment on June 20. Register for an agent here.

If you wish to register for an appointment with an agent,  you must already be registered for the conference.

We have a great group of agents to choose from:

Annie Bomke  Annie Bomke in San Diego

Amy Cloughley   Kimberley Cameron & Associates

Paul Fedorko  N.S. Bienstock, Inc.

Julie Hill  Julie Hill Literary Agency in Del Mar

Toni Lopopolo  Lopopolo Literary Management

Eric Myers Dystel and Goderich Literary Management

Patricia Nelson Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

Angela Rinaldi The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency

BJ Robbins BJ Robbins Literary Agency in North Hollywood

Ken Sherman  Ken Sherman & Associates

Over the past 45 years, SBWC has provided a learning environment that can transform beginners into bestselling authors ... well, that and a lot of hard work on the part of the authors.

One of the best things about the Santa Barbara Writers Conference is the faculty. Our 30 teachers cover a broad range of genres.

The 2.5-hour workshops allow time for learning craft, as well as getting individualized feedback on your work.

We have a special room rate at the Hyatt Santa Barbara:

  • $199 (single occupancy) per night and free parking: 24 rooms in Santa Barbara House, a separate building, but adjacent to hotel
  • $209 (single occupancy) per night and $38 overnight parking, (or free parking close by on the street) in the hotel

For reservations call (888) 421-1442, or visit this reservation link: Santa Barbara Hyatt.

If you wish to register for an appointment with an agent,  you must already be registered for the conference to signup.

Since its origins in 1972, SBWC has given writers an oasis of time, place and focus to hone craft and connect with mentors, agents and publishers.

The Santa Barbara Writers Conference Scrapbook, a history of the conference, written by founder Mary Conrad and longtime friends of SBWC, Y. Armando Nieto and Matthew J. Pallamary, is now available on Amazon.

For SBWC fans in the Santa Barbara area, there will be a book signing at Chaucer's bookstore on February 9 at 7PM. Meet all three authors.

There is a documentary film of the same title debuting June 18, 2017 at SBWC.

The film and the book are labors of love, and both reflect the special nature of this conference.

New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore says: "I went into the Santa Barbara Writers Conference a foundering insurance man and came out a writer. I wouldn't have made it without the camaraderie and enthusiasm for the craft I found there." 

We invite you to be a part of this ongoing literary legacy.

I hope to see you June 18-23, 2017.

Grace Rachow SBWC Director
