Pitch Only Agent Appointments
Registration for SBWC 2026 will open January 1 of 2026.
(No conference in 2025.)
2026 Pitch Appointments !
Why Pitch to an Agent?
Agents get hundreds of written proposals and query letters on a daily basis. A face-to-face conversation with an agent will help your project get better attention.
You will get professional feedback as to the direction you might want take your project. The agent will have a face to put with your name if you follow up with a submission.
What is a Pitch Session?
This is a 10-minute personal meeting with an agent or an editor in which you “pitch” your book project.
For nonfiction writers, a pitch session is an oral proposal in which you lay out the basic idea of your project and its structure in the hopes of piquing the agent’s interest.
If you write fiction, you will pitch the idea of your novel to an agent with the goal of interesting the agent to see your manuscript.
Plan ahead what you want to ask and to say, so that you put forth an image that reflects the quality of your project. Have questions ready. This is your time to get insider answers. Use it.
How it Works
Subject to availability of time slots, you may sign up to pitch your idea to as many agents as you choose. Once you are a registered attendee of the conference, you may pick agents and use our secure online registration to sign up for a 10-minute pitch session. Please do not sign up for the same agent more than once.
You may also bring your query and opening page to the appointment, if you like.
Please make your selections carefully. Once purchased, there will be no refunds given.
On a limited basis we can make changes…if needed.
Your schedule of pitch sessions will be given to you along with your SBWC conference badge when you check-in at registration.
If you need to designate AM or PM for your appointments, you can do that via email to info@sbwriters.com. We will do our best to accommodate. But understand, by the day of the appointments, all the slots will be full and you cannot make assume you can meet at another time.
Pitch Session Fees
The cost for each 10-minute pitch session is $50 dollars.
Appointment Day: To be announced
All appointments with agents will take place on this to-be-announced day between 9 AM and 3:00 PM