SBWC 2016 Writing Contest Winners Named

Thank you to those of you who entered our SBWC Annual Writing Contest. After reviewing more than 250 entries from all over the United States, we’d like to congratulate our 3 winners and 2 runners-up.

The following individuals won a full or partial tuition scholarship to this year's conference, June 5-10. You can read their winning entries on our SBWC blog in a few days.

Winners: Full Tuition Scholarships to SBWC 2016

Melanie Howard

Wanda Maureen Miller

Sharon Brown

Honorable Mentions: Partial Tuition Scholarships to SBWC 2016

Sophie Berti

Anita Perez Ferguson

We appreciate every writer who took a chance and submitted their writing to be considered. We know that is a small act of bravery.

There were many excellent entries, but the above writers were the ones who this time around rose to the top.

Congratulations, all.

An e-newsletter will follow with this information and more.
