We are about to sell out appointments with Annie Hwang and Corinna Barsan. If you want an appointment with one of these two agents, register on line today.
Get more information at the above link as well.
What is a pitch session?
This is a 10-minute personal meeting with an agent or an editor in which you “pitch” your book project. For nonfiction writers, a pitch session is an oral proposal in which you lay out the basic idea of your project and its structure in the hopes of piquing the agent’s interest. If you write fiction, you will pitch the idea of your novel to an agent with the goal of interesting the agent to see your manuscript.
Pitch Session Fees:
The cost for each 10-minute pitch session is $25 dollars. There is no manuscript involved, but you may bring a 1-page query letter or synopsis that you could leave with the agent upon the agent’s request. https://www.sbwriters.com/advpitch.php