Mother’s Day Writing Contest!

Dear Writers, Enter to win a scholarship to the 2013 Santa Barbara Writers Conference! Entries will be judged on originality, use of language, and story. The word count is limited to five hundred, and all genres are welcome.

  • Theme: "Things My Mother Taught Me"
  • Word Count: Up to 500
  • All genres welcome
  • This must be your original work, published or unpublished
  • No entry fee
  • Email all entries to:
  • Please include contact information: name, phone number, email address, & mailing address
  • Winner receives a tuition scholarship to the 41st Annual Santa Barbara Writers Conference, June 8 to 13, 2013**
  • Contest Begins: Today!
  • Deadline: Sunday, May 5th, Midnight (PST)
  • Winner and winning entry will be published in the Santa Barbara News-Press on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12th

 SBWC would like to thank Christopher Buckley, author of Thank You for Smoking and speaker at SBWC 2012, for making this scholarship possible. Please direct questions to, and share this opportunity with writers you know.

 Write On! 

Nicole Starczak

SBWC, Director

“I guess one way or the other, it boils down to being able to look the Reaper right in the eye with a smile and say, ‘Oh, puh-leeze.’ I bet that was how Mum did it, adding, ‘And what, pray, is that absurd costume supposed to indicate?’” wrote Christopher Buckley in his memoir, Losing Mum and Pup.

**In the event that the winner cannot attend the 2013 SBWC, June 8 to 13, the scholarship will go to the runner-up.
