Andy Ross

Andy Ross Agency

For nonfiction, Andy Ross looks for writing with a strong voice, robust story arc, and  books that tell a big story about culture and society by authors with  the authority to write about their subject.

In fiction, he likes character and voice-driven stories about real people in the real world. He also represents literary, commercial, historical, and upmarket women’s fiction, as well as YA and middle grade fiction.

He’s eager to work with projects in most genres as long as the subject or its treatment is smart, original, and will appeal to a wide readership.

For literary, commercial, and children's fiction, he looks for writing that reveals the terrain of that vast and unexplored country of the human heart.

His agency represents books in a wide range of nonfiction genres including: narrative nonfiction, science, journalism, history, popular culture, memoir,  and  current events.

Andy Ross opened his literary agency in 2008.  Prior to that, he was the owner of the legendary Cody’s Books in Berkeley for 30 years. His agency represents books in a wide range of non-fiction genres including: narrative non-fiction, science, journalism, history, popular culture, memoir,  and  current events. He also represents literary, commercial, historical, and upmarket women’s fiction, and YA and middle grade fiction.

He has participated and taught classes in numerous writers’ conferences including: San Francisco Writers Conference, Kauai Writers Conference, San Miguel de Allende Writers Conference, Nebraska Writers Conference, and more. He has organized and conducted writing intensive workshops with Linda Watanabe McFerrin in Santa Fe, Provence, and in Scotland.

Andy is the author of The Literary Agent’s Guide to Writing a Non-Fiction Book Proposal
Authors Andy represents include: Daniel Ellsberg, Fritjof Capra, Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, Susan Griffin, Leonard Shlain, Gwen Strauss, Linda Watanabe McFerrin, Anjanette Delgado, Mark Goldblatt, Tawni Waters, Randall Platt, Mary Jo McConahay,  Gerald Nachman,  Michael Parenti, Paul Krassner, Milton Viorst, Senator Jeff Bingaman, Michele Anna Jordan, and Scott Ostler.